Saturday, October 30, 2010

Headed home to the sun

Early tomorrow I head home to southern California after a two week relaxing vacation. This trip was packed with tons of adventures from deep sea fishing and hunting to meeting a wonderful friend in person. I'll miss lot's about the NW but one thing I will not miss is all this damn rain.

No wonder they call her Drench *wink*

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A hunting we shall go.

One of the things I look forward to the most each year when I come up North is the 3 days us men head out for some deer hunting. Weather has not been fantastic but rumor has it we may see some improvement. Be back sometime late Friday.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Wish me luck. I've got a date.

Being one of the only single men in my group of friends, I continue to get set up on blind dates. I think they think I am incapable of finding nice women on my own. Tonight, I am meeting one of Daniel's wifes best friends for a double date for pizza and beers as we watch Monday Night Football. I suppose there is not much pressure with this one since I will be heading home on Sunday but there is still a certain level of anxiety that comes along with all new encounters.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thank you xoxo

Just a quickie thank you for a great time yesterday. You are absolutely a fantastic woman and made me feel very comfortable. I look forward to learning more about you and sharing things with you. Truly a delight.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Headed to the great northwest

Tomorrow, I head north to Seattle with a few little pit stops along the way. Each year I take a couple weeks off in the fall to visit my best friend and his family in the Seattle area. They have recently bought a vacation home in the San Juan Islands and we'll be staying there.

I am driving up this year since I scored tickets to see the Bruins take on the Ducks in Eugene. On my way up to the game, I am going to stop in Newport on the coast and do a day of deep sea fishing. I hear it's been beautiful weather so let's hope that holds until Wednesday. Really sucks to go out when the waters are rough and choppy. I'll make my way into Eugene about mid day on Thursday and get to the game early. Sure will shake up the PAC-10 big time if we can pull off an upset. Since Kirsti has graciously accepted my lunch invitation for Friday, I'll make a few hour stop in Portland before heading up to Seattle. She promises she's harmless and I look forward to meeting her. Loser of the game pays for lunch so she'd better be saving up.

The time in Seattle will allow for me to spend some time with a guy who has been a friend for me for 30 years. We'll drink a lot of beer and talk about the good old days. Should be a great time away and I look forward to it on many levels.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Trying some Thursday 13

Here are 13 things that crossed my mind today
  1. I need a hair cut.
  2. What does it say about me that I have more bottles of beer in the frig than edible items?
  3. I should go grocery shopping.
  4. How long will Drench keep the new Yahoo account?
  5. I need to make sure my brother pays his share of the UCLA basketball season tickets.
  6. My cat sure sleeps alot.
  7. Gotta remember to get the car tuned up before the upcoming road trip north.
  8. I really need to sell the house. Wish the market was better.
  9. Shit, I forgot to post for head day yesterday.
  10. I should work on trying to figure out how to get my pictures centered on my blog.
  11. My 401K is finally starting to rebound.
  12. Please tell me how the hell someone like Christine O'Donnell from Delware is the Republican Party nominee for the U.S. Senate race.
  13. What's Friday's theme again?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Just for XOXO

Maybe some of this will make the Gator loss a little more bearable.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Way late head.

Drench didn't post any so I just thought we cancelled head day.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The bet is on.

It's official. If the Florida Gators win today, I will design my page for 24 hours in a Gator theme. If they lose, Drenchxoxo will decorate her page in an Alabama theme.

I personaly thought the second bet option would have been way more fun however, she declined. Can't blame a guy for trying can you?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Roll Tide

Pretty sure I am going to catch some hell for this post but there is NO WAY #7 Florida Gators will beat the #1 ranked Alabama Crimson Tide.

The #4 (PAC-10 I might add) Oregon Ducks would have a better chance.