Friday, July 15, 2011

The love bite

OUCH. Reading this made my dick hurt.


  1. OUCH! is right. But c'mon why on earth would he want a blow job while cooking on a hot stove. And what the hell was she thinking.

    Reminds me of this story: In college a guy was taking a hot pot-pie out of the oven. As he was removing the pie from the oven, he was simultaneously nudging the oven closed with his knee (as it was not all the down/open). He did not clear the pot-pie out of the way of the closing door. The door hit the pan the pot-pie was on and hot pot-pie flew on him. Oh, I forgot to mention he was stark naked. Hot pot-pie scalded his dick :o He was so embarassed about it he did not seek medical treatment or tell his girlfriend. A few days later she was wondering what was up. He told her and showed her. His dick was scalded. Girlfriend made boyfriend seek medical attention; he had second degree burns on his penis.



  2. OMG!!! I am with Hedone on this one...what the hell were they thinking?

    LOL @ both of your funnies.

  3. WOW Hedone, that's crazy. I'll never look at a pot pie the same again

  4. I shared both stories with a friend cuz they are crazy, right? After telling the pot-pie tale his response was, "Was it a chicken pot-pie or a beef pot-pie?" WTF! Okay this guy is an engineer and he often misses the point of a story or focuses on stupid shit that has nothing to do with the subject. And this folks was one of those times.

