Sunday, December 26, 2010

A special holiday thank you.

Such a chaotic Christmas as most of it was consumed by the move from So. Cal to the Northwest but I was able to get some time to celebrate the holidays with old friends and a very special new friend.

As I headed north, Kirsti invited me to stop by for dinner and take a little break from driving. She was feeling really horrible but managed to put together a wonderful dinner and share her family with me for a few hours. I truly continue to be amazed by this woman who puts so much energy into making others feel so special. I wish I could have stayed longer but really wanted to put my move to closure. As I left, I had more Christmas spirit in my heart than I can remember and hope, I can do something as special for her one day.

Thank you for sharing a little more of your world with me Kirsti. I know you had an amazing Christmas with Marcus. He's better than any blog you could write to describe him. Meeting your sister, parents, daughter and her husband was a complete honor.

I am grateful to call you my friend.

1 comment:

  1. You're sweet to say all that Mark. I'm glad you took the time to stop. We enjoyed having you over. I'm sure my father liked the fact he could talk sports with someone other than his daughters! Marcus was bummed you couldn't do lights with us.

    I hope you get all settled soon and can make it down again for a longer stay. So glad to have you as a friend too (smile)
