Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Man you gotta love KFC

KFC to pay coeds $500 to advertise bunless sandwich on buns

By George Mathis
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

It's easy for the eye to wander on college campuses, which may explain why KFC is paying female students $500 to wear an advertisement on their rump.

In a press release headlined "Gluteus Ad Maximus," the chicken chain said red sweat pants emblazoned with "Double Down" ads were unveiled in Louisville, and will be worn at at least three more schools.

Female students interested in becoming a human billboard for the bun-less sandwich can contact KFC via Facebook.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Is it head day yet?

It is quickly becoming my favorite day of the week and I thought I would beat Kirsti posting. I picked this picture for the softness of it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend Reunion

This weekend marked the annual event of a bunch of college friends over drinking and catching up with one another's lives. We golfed all day Friday and talked a bunch of shit then enjoyed a really good dinner that evening with spouses and significant others. Saturday was a spa day for the women and us guys spent the day tailgating before the Stanford:UCLA game Saturday night. The amount of beer consumed definitely helped the 35-0 shut out we received last night but did some damage on the level of hangover I have this morning. Nothing a pot of coffee won't cure but it sure sucks getting older.

Couple big things going on with the group. Daniel, the best man at my wedding shared his big news of purchasing a second home in the San Juan Islands and extended an open invite to all anytime. I may just take him up on that offer and head North to enjoy some time off here soon. Anthony and his wife Sarah announced they are expecting their fourth child next spring and moving to Minnesota before the end of the year. Every one else was pretty much same ole same ole and it was great to be able to spend the time together.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Get well XOXO

So sorry to hear about your recent hospital stay. It's never fun to experience pain and be under the weather. Let those around you that love you take care of you and follow doctor's orders and you'll be back to your old self again soon enough. Rest, drink lot's of fluids and take all meds as prescribed. Soup never hurts either *gentle hug*